
Feel free to contact us Contact us click here Eulalia Galceran Tax LawyerInternational taxationGeneral tax consulting
Head of Germany-Spain Desk Languages:German, English, Spanish, Catalan +49 711 9978 6835 / +49 160 6507 845 Isabel Pi Tax consultancyInternational taxation Languages:German, English, Spanish, Catalan +34 932 155 989 / +34 679 714 709 Anne Rupp International […]

Privacy Policy

All the companies comprising AUREN are highly committed to the security of their personal information and with its lawful and transparent processing. In this document, we will provide you with detailed information related to the processing of the personal data gathered through this webpage.   CONTROLLER The process of your data will be carried out […]


GENERAL INFORMATION AUREN INTERNACIONAL, SERVICIOS PROFESIONALES AVANZADOS, S.L., with registered address at Calle Mallorca 260, Ático de Madrid (08008), which is registered in the Mercantile Register of Barcelona, Volume 39192, Page 212, Page B-340916, con NIF B64250970. AUREN DEUTSCHLAND GbR, with registered office at Rotebühlplatz 23, 70178 Stuttgart, and with tax ID code n° DE 252664529


Germany-Spain Desk Auren’s Germany-Spain Desk Are you already doing business in Germany or planning to do so in the future? Then you have found the right partner in us: We provide you with comprehensive advice on all legal, tax and business management issues relating to your activities in Germany. Whether you are planning to form […]


Germany-Spain Desk Our international advisory services include all necessary services for your business activities in Germany. You want to: Start doing business in Germany There is free movement of goods and services within the EU. You can therefore operate in Germany from Spain without the need for a company or permanent establishment in Germany. Nevertheless, […]

Die Inflationsausgleichprämie im Verein ES-EN

Bis Ende 2024 dürfen Arbeitgeber ihren Mitarbeitern einen lohnsteuer- und sozialversicherungs-freien Aufschlag von insgesamt maximal 3.000 Euro zahlen. Die sog. Inflationsausgleichsprämie (IAP) ist Teil des dritten Entlastungspakets des Bundes. Geregelt ist sie in § 3 Nr. 11c EStG. Sie soll einen Anreiz für Arbeitgeber setzen, um Mitarbeitern die gestiegenen Preise abzufedern. Das kann auch im gemeinnützigen Sektor eine interessante Option sein. Erfahren Sie, wann und wie die IAP im Verein gezahlt werden kann.

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